Let us know what's on your mind

Got a question or a comment about our program, your smoking, or anything about this site? I love to hear from people. Dash us off an e-mail to ask any question you’d like, or just to share your thoughts. I generally reply to e-mails within a couple of days.

e-mail info@completequitsystem.com


Or call me at  the number below, and I'll return your call:  

Phone: (208) 358-9480

Free Mini Quit Smoking Course

The mini-course is a series of quit smoking lessons delivered over e-mail. Each lesson explains an important concept and an action step you can take to address it. Plus you will also get answers from the Quit Smoking Advisor, published every couple of weeks.

What Others Are Saying

"What did I like best about the program? It works! After 20 years of smoking, I didn't think I'd be able to quit, but The Complete Quit System not only showed me how to quit successfully, it told me exactly what to expect during the process—right down to my cigarette dream!"

— Georgia S., Los Angeles

"I recommend The Complete Quit System to all of my patients who smoke. As a periodontist, I see the effects of smoking every day. Quitting may be the best thing you can do for your teeth and gums."

— Terry S., DDS, New Mexico

"I loved the very specific directions contained in the program. I knew I wanted to quit, but I didn't know where to start. Having it all laid out step-by-step made it much easier. I'm now smoke-free, and I'm completely blown away by it. I never imagined that I would be able to do it, but I did!"

—Elizabeth B., Graduate Student